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Christmas Drama
The Gift of Jesus
December 3, 2017
The kids all love grandma.

The kids all love grandma.

Grandma watches the kids after school.

Hi Kids. Are you ready for Christmas

Hi Kids. Are you ready for Christmas

Everyone loves Christmas food.

Everyone loves Christmas food.

And the toys are fun! But do you know the real gift of Christmas? Let's watch the drama.

An angel appeared to Mary.

An angel appeared to Mary.

Mary was engaged to Joseph.

"You will have a son!"

"You will have a son!"

But how can this be? I have never been with a man! The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the child will be the Son of God. You will name Him Jesus.

Breaking the news to Joseph.

Breaking the news to Joseph.

An Angel appeared to me and told me I would have a son.

How can this be?

How can this be?

My fiancé has been unfaithful. What should I do?

Tell me what to do!

Tell me what to do!

By law, she should be stoned. The Angel appeared to Joseph in a dream. Mary has been faithful. She is pregnant by the Holy Spirit!

We must go to Bethlehem.

We must go to Bethlehem.

Everyone must be counted for the census and taxation. Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem.

Bethlehem was crowded with people.

Bethlehem was crowded with people.

The only room available was with the animals.

Jesus was born!

Jesus was born!

The time came for her baby to be born, and she gave birth to her first born, a Son!

The Savior is born!

The Savior is born!

Just as the Angel said!

Now we know the real Gift!

Now we know the real Gift!

The real gift of Christmas is Jesus! He is our Savior! He is our Messiah!

Hallelujah! Jesus is born.

Hallelujah! Jesus is born.

Hallelujah! Jesus is born!

Hallelujah! Jesus is born!

The sermon matched the drama.

The sermon matched the drama.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you for coming.

The children have a Christmas gift for everyone.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

A Nativity ornament, some Christmas candy, and a handmade ornament.

The cast

The cast

The cast

The cast

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